Bernardo Research & Recruiting

Specializing in Name Generation and Recruiting

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Experienced, Efficient, Ethical

With more than 30 years of experience, Bernardo Research and Recruiting ("BRR") helps companies expedite and cost effectively manage the employment search process. We provide high quality research that is a vital first step in identifying job candidates who have the skills and experience to meet a client's hiring objectives. We then focus on building the relationships necessary to further the recruitment process.  


What We Do

  • Name Generation: BRR develops customized lists of potential job candidates based on client specifications. Targeted companies are generally recommended by clients, but BRR can also assist you in focusing your research and identifying source companies.
  • Candidate Development: Depending on your company's needs, BRR can also contact and recruit prospective candidates. We strive to build trust between the company and candidate and to help them assess each other's commitment and compatibility.



How We Do It

Whether identifying potential recruits or engaging in candidate development, BRR's process is client driven.  Our research is strategic, innovative and cost effective. We use a variety of media and other tools to ensure that our results are accurate and up to date. Most importantly, our highly professional approach provides a sound foundation for future contacts.



Who We Help

Organizations of all sizes located in the United States and internationally have benefited from our research and recruitment services. We support clients in numerous industries including, but not limited to, financial services, manufacturing and pharmaceutical, as well as not-for-profit organizations. Our work has resulted in the placement of individuals with a wide range of experience, technical skills and managerial expertise.



What You Can Expect

Our experienced team of researchers makes meeting client deadlines their priority. We generate the information you need when you need it, whether it is a list of names and contact details, or more comprehensive information about prospective candidates.


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Management: Connie Bernardo, Principal

Connie Bernardo
Connie Bernardo

Connie Bernardo has more than 30 years of experience recruiting for a wide range of positions and managing all aspects of search engagements. She established Bernardo Research & Recruiting in January 2012 to focus on providing customized research and candidate recruitment and development to clients who value responsive and personalized service.

Connie began her career as a researcher for a retained executive search firm in New York City, where her research focused on mid- to senior-level executives in a variety of industries.  In 1985, she became Managing Director for a division that specialized in name generation, which serviced both executive search firms and corporate clients. In this role, she led a team of researchers and recruiters in all aspects of research and candidate development.

Connie has maintained long-term working relationships with numerous clients in the US, including Fortune 500 companies, and, along with her team, has worked on a number of international projects. 

For more information, contact us at

732-778-9250 or